Dad in Hawaii in 2006
Today, I'm focusing on the things in my life that I am thankful for. And with it being Father's Day, I cannot help but feel immense gratitude for having Jim Castle as my father. He just turned 66 years old a few days ago, and with me soon turning 30 and understanding how quickly these years seem to pass us by, life becomes more and more precious to me, and my love for my family grows deeper. Maturity as the years goes on finds us in a different place, wishing we hadn't spent so many years not truly appreciating the things that we hold most important.
My dad is a jovial man. Dark italian skin, weathered by years of hunting and fishing, a thick head of greyish hair that at one time was jet black, cheeks that get flush when he laughs or drinks beer, both which occur quite often.
He's not only a great father, but a fantastic, loving papa
He tells the best jokes. I have a rolodex of 'jokes by dad' in my memory- but what I love most about his joke telling is not the joke itself. It's how he manages to laugh about the joke for the following 10 minutes, chuckling under his breath, sometimes until little tears fill his eyes. How something can be so funny, I am not sure- but that is so endearing to me of my father.
Every year since grandkids, dad has dressed up as Santa as our grandpa used to do. The Santa accent and the floppy Santa hands are the best. You just have to see it :)
I was always a daddy's girl. I'd follow him around our pecan tree-filled 3 acres, picking up sticks and helping him do yard work. We would go to Houston Astros games as a family growing up and he'd sneak in freezer-size bags of peanuts into mom's purse because he didn't want to pay the exorbitantly high price at the Astrodome. Sorry for giving away your secrets on the internet, dad, but you passed it on. I also sneak my candy into the movies. Like father, like daughter.

At the hunting lease on dad's hunting jeep back when Jaime and I were kids
Mom & Dad in Hawaii in 2006- yes, he is wearing my ROXY hat. Hilarious.
I remember glowing when I saw you come to my freshman year volleyball game. You walked with me on the football field when I was homecoming duchess in my cheerleading uniform. You did what dads are supposed to do: you loved your girls. You took care of us. You still wash my car when I go home and make sure it has gas in it. Those little labors of love that have shown me over the years just how much you care. Dad, I love you and am thankful for you. I hope that my kids have a father one day who love them as you have loved us.
Dad and me in the summer of 2005 when I got my Arbonne, white Mercedes Benz. He was there with my to help with all of the paperwork. He was so proud of me.
Happy Fathers Day, everyone. I hope you can also spend some time thinking about your dad, grandfather or a man in your life who has acted as a father to you and how grateful you are for them.
Great post, Ash! Love seeing the pictures and reading all the little things about Dad that make him special :) We love you dad!