Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Day of Nesting Lust in New York

Oh I felt like nesting today. I'm not quite sure where this came from, other than being female. I walked into Anthropologie (first mistake) and wandered into a magical world of dishes, shabby chic wallpaper and all kinds of delectable things.

The only problem about having this nesting lust while living in New York is- well, there are two:

1) It costs a good amount to live here, so there isn't just $1,000 laying around for a new coat, a
new pair of boots and all new dishes. And

2) I HAVE NO SPACE. None. This is by no means a complaint. I gladly trade in my 1,500 sq. foot place in Texas for a 500 sq. foot shoebox in the West Village of New York. But believe me--- when I say I have no space, I really mean it:

EVERYTHING has its place here. Meaning, when one thing gets OUT of place, you can tell. Things look messy. So, as much as I rearrange my closet, The principle still remains: I don't need any more clothes. Or shoes. Or certainly, dishes. But OH I want them.

How can you not want them when you see such beautiful porcelain (well, more like pottery) as this? I mean, look at this rolling pin! And these measuring spoons! I wouldn't be able to fit them anywhere, but they had me salivating for them.

Bowls, bowls galore. They certainly suit my fancy.

The nail in the coffin is when I find myself drooling at the window of a high-end children's store. Um... like I don't even have children. Not ready for them yet, love my nephews and I'm good to go. Super Aunt. But how can you resist an outfit like this? A little girl in a black leather biker jacket.... and I already have one that would match? Oh darn you, maternal instincts.

1 comment:

  1. love your blog ashley! looking forward to reading about your awesome adventures in NY and beyond! and your apartment is way cute! i'm so jealous! take care!
